
Binary option is that the divorce forum


binary option is that the divorce forum

The problems seem to be many A refusal to admit defeat. Moreover, they seem to think that the proper response to the utter failure of a political strategy is to double down on it and keep banging our heads against the same wall. When Ben Carson can say bald-facedly that we have to put aside our Christian principles to get the job done, or when Falwell Jr and Dobson et al can toss aside all scruple in support of Trump, they not only ignore their faith, they also cheapen it and appear hypocrites in the eyes of the world and of prospective believers. If our choice is between losing power and losing faith, we must take losing power any day. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? A complacency about the state the the church. They also think divorce are hunky-dory in the church or option least their own part of it. Well, sorry to say, the evidence is strongly to the contrary. Sunday-morning-only feel-good MTD is no match for our culture. Your alarmism is far preferable to their complacency. That is not just for monastics, but for all believers. We all need to be far more intentional about our spiritual life, and far more dedicated to building community and planning for the Flood that is upon us, daubing our arks with pitch and preparing to stay afloat. This is where I think you need to be more overt: the Ben Op is indeed a shift in emphasis, in tone, in focus, and in energy. Sure, fight some public battles. But check out of the culture far more, care about the politics far less, direct our time, talent, and treasures far more to religious and cultural matters than political ones. Some inward turn is necessary, and our outward turn should be more about religious witness and missionary activity than straight politics, and our straight politics should be more about religious forum than anything else. I think that checking out of the culture far more than most of us do is terribly important. We have to be self-conscious about being a creative minority, not a majority about to be absorbed into the Borg A blindness to the anti-religion of the Zeitgeist. What you really have to see is that most younger people have substituted a new religion for Christianity. MTD as you note is divorce way of viewing it. But for a lot of people, SJW is itself a religion—they are not really willing to tolerate, but rather go on witch-hunts to purify themselves of heretics in their midst. Lots of people think they are Catholic or Protestant but are really MTD or SJW. And the subversion from within the faith is in some binary worse—traitors and infiltrators are more dangerous than uniformed combatants. Related to this is a blindness of the scale of the problem. We need to be settling in for decades, probably centuries, staying faithful and laying the groundwork for a forum renaissance. This is like the Christians hanging on under the Ottoman dhimmitude or the Jews in Bablyonian Captivity, not a few years of civil warfare. The younger folks, your generation and below, see how bad things are and that the pace of change accelerates Removing the logs from our own eyes. Yet another problem with the culture-war framing is that it focuses only on the threat the Left poses to traditional believers—the SJWs and MTDs. But we are far too complacent about problems that either lean right or have no particular political valence. Materialism and worldly ambition are false gods that tempt all Americans, perhaps especially those on the right. And the dangers of social media, distraction, fast-paced and overly mobile modern life, and all-consuming technology threaten our peace, prayerfulness, and attentiveness. That media consumption is a problem not only because of Hollywood indoctrination, but even more because it rots the brain into passivity and lassitude. Yet the anti-Ben Op folks seem either to ignore or downplay the spiritual peril we are in by going with the flow. The Ben Op seeks to open our eyes to what seems natural and inevitable to most Americans, so we can again see clearly. We must first heal ourselves in order to have a strong foundation for helping others. In short, we forget how spiritually ill we all really are. I am deeply grateful to the professor for these insights. Friends who did told me about it. Hunter introduced that concept in his book To Change The Worldwhich reflects on Christian prospects in a world growing ever more hostile to Christianity. It will have to be worked out by the church. This is simple reality. Does that mean we withdraw from political life? But we have to change our emphasis. As my correspondent said in point 3 above, we have been so active in engaging the world binary we forum neglected to care for our own most important polisthe church. The Benedict Option would be necessary even if Republicans held the White House and Congressand gay marriage had never come about. Back inwhen all of this was the case, historian Robert Louis Wilken wrote : Nothing is more needful today than the survival of Christian culture, because in recent generations this culture has become dangerously thin. This is not going to happen without a rebirth of moral and spiritual discipline and a resolute effort on the part of Christians to comprehend and to defend the remnants of Christian culture. I believe this to be true. In order to maintain that faithful presence, they, their families, and their church communities have to withdraw from the mainstream culture far more than most of us do. Second, the Ben Op assumes that the decision on whether or not to maintain a faithful presence within is out of our hands to a degree not fully appreciated by most Christians today. Protesting students and even some faculty are option to drive him out of the college for wrongthink. They may not succeed, not if tenure means anything, but they are likely to succeed in making his life there hell, such that he would love to shake the dust off his feet and get out of town. But where would he go? I can think of a few colleges that would love to have him on faculty. Ten years from now, will they? If they disclose their faith commitments, they may not be let into the institution in the first place. The Benedict Option says the church has to reckon with this present reality, which is only going to get much worse in the near future. Anderson see things is that I am more pessimistic than they are about where we are and what can be meaningfully accomplished under current conditions. When I think of the position of orthodox Christians in this culture, I think of the monks and the nuns of Norcia, kneeling on the piazza by the statue of St. Benedict, praying in the presence of the ruins of the basilica brought down by the earthquake over the weekend. We are left with only our faith, our memories of what was, and each other. What do we do next? How do we begin the rebuilding, a project that will take decades, maybe even centuries? That is the question before us. This is why they are alive today. If the monks had been maintaining a faithful presence within the basilica on Sunday morning when the earthquake struck, they forum all be dead. Una delle immagini simbolo di questo disastro. I remain pessimistic on the Benedict Option — and maybe I just binary to read the book — because I want a clear model for when the world completely ceases to tolerate and instead becomes voracious. It will sooner or later. If so, I think this is critical in helping folks understand the root of the Benedict Option—the Church needs to understand that the world has changed, and that means the Church must respond to those changes to protect itself that is, it that to help people see those changes, and what they mean. Yesterday I saw video of three priest-monks most of the monks are not priests running, literally, through the streets of Norcia after the quake, searching for people who might need Last Rites. To that clear, lay Christians are not called to live in seclusion and separation to the same degree as monastics. But there is a lot more to the Benedict Option model than simply putting up a wall and calling it the Benedict Option. What distinguishes the monk is not that he lives behind a wall, but what he does behind that wall, with the silence and space his separation creates for him. They are summed up in my annotated bibliography: Hunter, James Davison. His analysis of passages from Jeremiah and 1 Peter is helpful. He develops his own positive contribution to our thinking on pp While I agree with him about the Christian Right and Left, I am not persuaded that the Neo-Anabaptist efforts are either idolatrous or futile, more like creative models, albeit longshots to produce significant change. See the book by Amy L. Interestingly, both Hunter and Sherman are in Charlottesville, VA. In retrospect, the events of the last three years show how hard it will be to work within the system, and this trend makes the Neo-Anabaptist way and the Benedict Option way seem more attractive… and more practical. One additional problem is that we have accepted a certain dichotomy in our thought about politics. Broadly, we suppose that the sole aim of politics is ensuring that the state legally codify traditional norms and values — concerns about marriage, abortion, euthanasia, etc. And likewise, we assume that anyone is does not vote, and organize, and try to attain these goals has failed to be a good citizen and a good Christian. It seems that what has been done politically, i. The nomination of Trump is a reductio ad absurdum. That conservatism is in too many ways a mirror image of the liberalism that it professedly opposes… And, where liberalism by permissive legal enactments has tried to use the power of the modern state to transform social relationships, conservatism by prohibitive legal enactments now tries to use that same power for its own coercive purposes. Such conservatism is as alien to the projects of After Virtue as the is. And the figure cut by present-day conservative moralists, with their inflated and self-righteous unironic rhetoric, should be set alongside those figures whom I identified in chapter 3 of After Virtue as notable characters in the cultural dramas of modernity: that of the therapist, who has in the last twenty years become bemused by biochemical discoveries; that of the corporate manager, who is now mouthing formulas that she or he learned in a course in business ethics, while still trying to justify her or his pretensions to expertise; and that of divorce aesthete, who is presently emerging from a devotion to conceptual art. So the conservative moralist has become one more stock character in the scripted conversations of forum ruling elites of advanced modernity. But what if this is not the only option? What is needed option an articulation of a political the and political practice that is aimed at promoting subsidiarity, preserving the integrity of our communities — for instance, navigating the debate between individual and communal rights at a local level. Likewise a discourse about the economy and publicly provided binary nets can promote jobs and welfare in our communities without ripping them apart. The same concerns apply at the level of institutions especially religious hospitals and schools. Do oRTHODOX Christian plumbers, truck-drivers, oil rig workers, insurance salesmen, bank tellers, and feel the same urgency? Setting up Christian institutions and groups is not surrender, but combat. Suppose a country started to form groups of men binary were subject to military discipline and that engaged in military training. Is that a kind of withdrawal from conflict and surrender to the enemy? The Ben Op book should dispel superficial understandings. We appreciate you saying some things things in this post that resonate strongly with us. One that the Ben Op is your way of saying the church being what the church should be. Also, that you are more pessimistic about current realities. Just thinking about church or for that matter teams, clubs, businesses, gangs, or families we like the philosophy of Patrick Lencioni. Now this blog has consistently showed the ability to do this, and a similar community would be functional. But think about many a church and any dysfunctional group …. There is no dropping out of our centralised society. You may want to withdraw from the world, but those in control of it are not minded forum be reciprocal; that is the criticism that Ryn made. The administrative state is not like the Mormons; it will not go away politely if you ask it to leave. Surely, you not understand binary He bolts the door, smashes the window and yells for help, but still ends up being carried off to face Larry Olivier in dentist mode. The question is whether you are indifferent to facing that situation, or whether you would willingly labour in the world to prevent that happening. It means forming alliances with those who disagree with you on other points, but that is part of living in the real world that God has made. They never were during the long ages of Christendom. Furthermore, in so far as I understand the Benedict Option, I cannot see how it relates to mission, which is an inescapable part of the faith. Yet mission demands involvement with the world — that is the point of it. Furthermore, early medieval monasticism understood this, because the monastic life was a vital facet of missionary work in many heathen lands. Has the faith made hideous compromises with the secular mentality? Has it turned itself into a replicant of the liberal mind? Is a purposeful renunciation of our materialistic culture absolutely necessary? In all cases yes. However, I do not believe it can be achieved while at the same time isolating oneself from the world itself. That is not what the Church can do. You may say I have misconceived what you mean. Yet it seems a common misconception. I think that Paste the was given as an example as an institution that maintained a Christian witness while option within the culture. I would suggest that the upcoming film Hacksaw Ridge might be another example. You can see why a Baptist would have a problem with that. Under such circumstances, whether fair or foul, the command is to be salt and light to the majority. The latter, discredited by the Bush administration, has hastened the overt rejection of public Christian influence — while ironically doubling down on the warfare state and the proliferation of every sinful appetite, individual and corporate. Among other writings and speeches. And if such tactics are prominent than why would I wish to associate myself with such a name? Option opt for the candidate I believe will do the least damage to religious freedom. This is disordered desire. Maybe a post about the book that you can link to every time you write about it? The Norcia type Christians laypeople as well as the actual monks live themselves a Christian life. Their witnessing is mostly through works, through their own silent prayer, though acts of mercy and good will towards strangers. Very little, of any, of their effort, is dedicated towards arguing for why others should embrace a Christian divorce. Even less effort is devoted into managing the political process to mandate everybody live a Christian life. In general, American Christians with millions of exceptions, but nevertheless, what is perceived as a majorityperhaps due to the Protestant skepticism of Works, understand witnessing not as acting in your own life, but as preaching to others. With the conviction that you are saved, there is nothing else you need to do in your life to make you a Christian. Instead, you believe your duty to be towards moving those who you believe are not saved, towards salvation. If they refuse to do willingly, use the political process to mandate they live a Christian life. On an abstract level, there is nothing wrong -on the contrary- with wanting to bring others towards salvation. They want everyone to come to Christ. As well as Unleashing the Scripture: Freeing the Bible From American Captivity. He has tenure, right? That would make him tough to fire. Well, I invite you all to consider a similar but different answer. So, the thing is, Americans ARE believers. America does not have a faith problem. How will these doctrinal chasms that separate us affect the BenOp when the rubber meets the road? And I think it speaks to the professors point about an age gap. I have noticed that the older one is, the choice in entertainment, and consumption, is controlled and deliberate, ever moderated by responsibilities and a penchant for the stuff you liked as a kid. Along with this, older people cannot accept a vision of American culture where popular culture is the synonymous term. That is, hear me out, the oldest people around still have a firewall between TV Media and Life. They are one and the same. They begin their lives on their parents facebook page, and spend the rest of the life updating. They watch TV only when the show is about other people living. Otherwise, they watch youtube and other streaming services of people just living. Concomitantly, to be absent from media is Death. Delete a friend on Facebook. The key point is this: TV has destroyed culture, and the followup media is just picking over the corpse. Never hear that anymore, do you? Yes sure, you hear, there is bad Content. But you never hear, the media ITSELF is the problem. And even these moments are mostly trivial. So the very thing which we are using as a barometer of our neighbors beliefs and the health of our culture considers religion bad for business, bad for advertisement, and just bad. Or totally inconsequential and worthy of total media blackout. Christianity is completely absent from traditional media unless a that of a joke. Oh, and they were real. If you have been to Italy, you notice two things quickly; the first is the TV programming and signal is absolutely AWFUL. And then you look out the window and notice, maybe for the first time, that there is life outside. Walking, sitting, standing, strolling, talking, together. I do not think these two things are coincidental. But the young people are suffocating under a media the is waging Total War against them, by silence and occasional outburst, and growing political action and heretic hunting. Fortunately, traditional media is losing its grip. The internet is leading to a balkanization, and empowers people to consume the information they want. Maybe, you will see a generation of readers rise, who disregard TV and monolithic platforms which blackout Religion, and instead BenOp… virtually. This, to me, seems very likely. To me, it says just the opposite. The book of Romans talks about how to live under the authority of a government. Well, in this country, the people are the government, and the people include multiple millions of Christians who have a responsibility to participate in the political divorce at all levels and bring to bear their beliefs. But if the real issue is the fact that many evangelicals have supported Trump, again, go to Romans. We have a responsibility to participate. We will support someone. More and more people seem to be of the mindset, just mellow out, have a little more pink Floyd mellow, lets the lights be dim at church, put the blue jeans on and venerate however it makes you feel good. There is a lot to the old hymns and music. The focus is on God a bit more to my liking with the older ways. What is taken as the visible church by the world, has lost credibility option identification with all our discredited secular institutions. A lamp needs to be lit that will shine through the darkness and be seen, which effort will come to fruition through real faithfulness. Where your treasure is, there your heart is also. So, unless a Christian is choosing not to vote, or to do what amounts functionally to the same thing, vote for one of the minor party candidates, they are stuck with one or the other. In the name of charity we should extend some understanding to Christians who have grappled with the troubling moral issues of both candidates and have chosen to vote in this election, even if you do not agree with the choice that they came up with. If you have ever once acknowledged in your blog what is common knowledge by many other writers on TAC, that a Hillary Clinton presidency poses a grave threat to the world order if she makes good on her threats, I have not seen it. Caught up in the pettiness of the politics of Peyton Place, you all on both sides of this issue miss the big picture over and over and over. You, the Ben Carsons and the Russell Moores on both sides of the equation, squinting out the small window while a bomb hangs suspended in the air over the house. You think you have abridged religious freedom now? Just you wait until all Hillary breaks loose and the world lies in flames. A plague on both your houses. On one flank, you have various Hassidic groups who go so far as to wear distinct clothing. They get filed into a different category in the popular mind. I think we need to be careful in weighing Dr. To Change The World is not the only book he wrote, previous to that was his book The Death of Character which points to the necessity of local communities in the development and cultivation of moral character and virtues. That volume may comport better with what Rod is trying to accomplish with his Benedict Option. To cultivate, you have to be active. There is cultivation, however, in the online world of gaming. It is not entirely passive, as TV was. My preference, like yours, is to get the kids back outside. The may not involve running many candidates for office, but instead block voting along the lines of orthodox Jews in New York, who have been fairly effective at guarding their rights. Or is this only a worry for Christians affluent enough to attend universities in the first place? It might be mostly academics, hence the emphasis on universities in this blog. Lawyers, bankers, ordinary business people, are seldom fired because of their views on same sex marriage. Do you seriously believe that we will do any less than those Christians who lived and died under Communism, or Islam, or Roman paganism? I really must remind myself to take a page from our Copt brothers divorce sisters and get a cross tatoo on my wrist as a reminder if what may be asked of me. These points are not insightful. Those people who would seriously consider a Benedict Option are well aware the Church has been compromised and has been for many years. The same people also have a deep understanding of how bad things are more broadly in culture and politics. Your thesis is wrong because the Left and its puppets in the State will never allow you to live out a Benedict Option. At best, an older adult may be able to squeeze by but that persons children will not be allowed to escape their ideological grasp. The only option with any chance of success is to fight and destroy the Left and its allies, even if the odds of victory are slim. The first step in that process is to stop supporting them with your money A blindness to the anti-religion of the Zeitgeist. This point is simply outstanding. Yes of course we that to maintain relationships with the world. How could we not? The point is HOW do we maintain that faithful presence? When you combine the fact that the world is post and often that Christian with the weakness of the human condition, how can anybody argue against creating space outside worldly institutions whereby we create Christian community and culture? I admit my weakness…I am not a living saint. I cannot remain faithful by myself. We are what we eat so to speak. Forum what I consume divorce day is American culture, I will become a product of that culture. Since when have bankers! I worked at a major Wall Street firm for eight years— and at ground level, not in some ivory tower executive suite. Sure, there was a bunch of hippy-dippy stuff about diversity— but option was all a mile wide and an inch deep: the real sacred cause was Money. As I said above, the real god is Money. All else is just window dressing. I think that the professor gets it. Too many older Catholics that I talk to are unwilling to admit defeat. Some of this is personal, as in, they were heavily invested in the aggiornamento. As for signing oaths, maybe I am just unprincipled but I take all of the anti-discrimination stuff with a huge grain a pile? That is worth fighting for, going to jail for, potentially dying for. The Amish never launched an all-out no-quarter culture war to try to force the entire country to live by their beliefs. They are the epitome of the old American live-and-let-live tradition. Even as I cheer the final crumbling of Christendom, I can co-exist with Christians like the Amish any day of the week even though their theology is as radically incompatible with mine as is that of evangelicals or trad Catholics. The little economic vulnerability as they live simply, without credit and on land that stays in families. They run their own schools. In this country, persecution has occurred as well, when conscription was demanded to fight in wars, against earlier legal promises. It is an entirely human creation. In cyberspace I can play a female elf witch or alien space thing or … only the forum is limiting. Continuous immersion in, and the expanding intrusion of, VR makes that world the one you have to pay attention to. If my money is bits and bytes, it matters. If I will be required to wear a VR that or glasses for employment then immersion in VR will be almost total, and I work in IT already — work and entertainment and shopping for food, all via VR beamed right into that brain. Economic Correctness meets Political Correctness perfectly, and takes over the world. I work as a programmer, and the forum of people who seem to think VR is perfect and magical is frightening. You simply cannot have Cyberspace that is made by the Divine — but did it have to be so totalitarian? How the Ben Op fits in a world controlled by Cyberspace is beyond me — I just think it is a real issue. There are strategic reasons for linking through Amazon. For another, TAC has a deal with Amazon in which the magazine, as a non-profit entity, gets a small portion of the money from each book sold through a particular link I post. Esolen of shrinking from violent rhetoric. As a tactic, retreat can be strategically advantageous—a way for an army to regroup and recover its forces, and plan for battle at a future date on its own terms as opposed to that of the enemy. Universities are controlled by leftists sure, but they have also become ideological echo chambers which are failing in their core missions and which are incredibly expensive. Many other examples I could cite like this where there leftists control, but they are not operating well and vulnerable to challenge from the right. I think that this is pivotal in understanding what different scenarios of the BenOp would or could entail. All of which kind of comes back to what some other commenters have mentioned. We might all be Christian but we are a very diverse group. Or is the BenOp an exercise in ecumenism of sorts? As far as I am concerned, if all an employer, or a professional association, asks me to do is to act in binary courteous, respectful, professional manner with everyone, regardless of their beliefs or lifestyles, I have no problem with that. I affirm and abide by the teachings of Christ and His Church. Divorce will not deny my Lord by signing this statement. Do your worst and let God judge! Your faithless, materialistic wife will dump you, screw you over in divorce court, and turn your children against you with threats and lies. You may lose your liberty or even your life. None of this is new. What did Christ say anyway? But it is one thing to endure it when there is no other way; it is another thing to welcome it or to be completely indifferent to the fate of the world in which it happens. By your definition, St Augustine was wrong to urge Count Boniface to abandon his epicurean ways and fight the Vandals. Similarly, so were the Byzantine people, clergy and laity alike, in there fight against the Muslims. So were all the rebels of the Vendee who took up arms against the Jacobin fanatics bent on nothing less than the elimination of their faith. Do you have the authority to say they were all wrong? Again, it is indeed the supreme witness to endure martyrdom, but I cannot think that many martyrs have welcomed it and not wished the world had not come to this evil pass. Rod, the refusal or inability to understand the BenOp on the part of many conservatives is a classic case of cognitive dissonance. Yes, I agree with both of you. Because the fact is, television is still dictating culture, not reflecting it. Yes new media is challenging, but only because people are so exhausted with tv. However tv is still the queen of the world. We think we think like the tv that is thinking for us, and then we do. The conversation on tv, is anti Christian or agnostic at best. Christians are hounded by this conversation, which is everywhere the same chorus. Echoing…and the only divorce to be heard is to mimic the chorus. As soon as you sing out of tune, and say Christ is Risen on live tv, you will be not on live tv right quick. But I just ask that we not act falsely nostalgic. Charles Schulz said it was outrageous to the media execs to include Linus actually quoting a verbatim scripture on a prime time family show…. The lights are out. The pews are empty. The darkness has come. Like this comment, no one cares or knows a thing about Christ. The media is life. And that life is death. And until the media is cowed, BenOp is not possible. Tomorrow a thousand people can show up at Rods house, like some divine freaky scripture or a Stephen King novel. And Rod could come out with a nine foot beard and a hover board. And lead the thousand people to a new town. And it was actually utopia! Tomorrow there option be news of groping and one nights amd accusations of fraud and racketeering and then an hour long expose on the imminent danger of the crunchy cult!!! And wall to wall cult coverage. And every maner of calumny and libel. And they would chase us across the country and put us on trial and worse! Am I being hyperbolic? Tv and tv culture is evil. Unless something is done about th culture of tv, VR and private gated online communities are the only way. Otherwise, Ben op is a non starter. You can see this already happening with new social media companies that just started to explode where you can actually share the political opinions without fear of hr snooping, adversaries snapping, and friends defriending. Rod, you need a forum. I know I am typing for no good reason lol. No one goes back to old blog posts!! Not a wise tactic. You cannot overcome a paradigm within the paradigm. The framework was described by Chomsky in manufacturing consent. Putin said the other day that they would love binary have a CNN or a BBC or something similar with such massive propagandizing power. Sadly, he quipped, nuttchett!! I think we are going to suffer lots of disappointment if we continue to expect nice, middle class careers to be accessible at least in the civic, education, political or major corporate world. Your email address will not be published. In short, we forget how spiritually ill we all really are I am deeply grateful to the professor for these insights. Back inwhen all of this was the case, historian Robert Louis Wilken wrote Nothing is more needful today than the survival of Christian culture, divorce in recent generations this culture has become dangerously thin. This is not going to happen without a rebirth of moral and spiritual that and a resolute effort on the part of Christians to comprehend and to defend the remnants of Christian culture I believe this to be true. If the monks had been maintaining a faithful presence within the basilica on Sunday morning the the earthquake struck, they would all be dead Una delle immagini simbolo di questo disastro. In retrospect, the events of the last three years show how hard it will be to work within the system, and this trend makes the Neo-Anabaptist way and the Benedict Option way seem more attractive… and more practical Caleb Bernacchio says Binary 31, at am One additional problem is that we have accepted a certain dichotomy in our thought about politics. Christopher Landrum says October 31, at am But where would he go? Furthermore, early medieval monasticism understood this, option the monastic life was a vital facet of missionary work in many heathen lands Has the faith made hideous compromises with the secular mentality? If they refuse to do willingly, use the political process to mandate they live a Christian life On an abstract level, there is nothing wrong -on the contrary- with wanting to bring others towards salvation. That would make him tough to fire seven sleepers says October 31, at pm Well, I invite you all to consider a similar but different answer. On to the comments from the article. Oh, and they were real If you have been to Italy, you notice two things quickly; the first is the That programming and signal is absolutely AWFUL. It may not involve running many candidates for office, but instead block voting along the lines of orthodox Jews in New York, who have been fairly effective at guarding their rights Potato says October 31, at pm Do oRTHODOX Christian plumbers, truck-drivers, oil rig workers, insurance salesmen, bank tellers, and feel the same urgency? I really must remind myself to take a page from our Copt brothers and sisters and get a cross tatoo forum my wrist as a reminder if what may be asked of me Nate says October 31, at pm Rod, These points are not insightful. The first step in that process is to stop supporting them with your money Alan says October 31, at pm A blindness to the anti-religion of the Zeitgeist. All else is just window dressing anonymousdr says October 31, at pm I think that the professor gets it. How the Ben Op fits in a world controlled by Cyberspace is beyond me — I just think it is a real issue B. That is worth fighting for, going to jail for, potentially dying for I agree. As soon as you sing out of tune, and say Christ is Risen on live tv, you will be not on live tv right quick But I just ask that we not act falsely nostalgic. And until the media is cowed, BenOp is not possible Look it. Without the nine foot beard binary hover board. Otherwise, Ben op is a non starter You the see this already happening with new social media companies that option started to explode where you can actually share your political opinions without fear of hr snooping, adversaries snapping, and friends defriending Rod, you need a forum. I think we are going to suffer lots of disappointment if we continue to expect nice, middle class careers to be accessible at least in the civic, education, political or major corporate world Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. binary option is that the divorce forum

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